Portuguese Hike Markings - #350WordsWeekly

I All, I’m thinking about why not look inside Portugal and let you know something about what you can find in my own country…

If you wish visit us, and walk, you will find two different route types, both certified routes by FCMP. The short distance routes “Pequena Rota [PR]” and the long-distance routes “Grande Rota [GR]”. PR are short distance hikes that will take you one day maximum and GR are medium or long-distance hikes, mainly designed to take more than one day but you can find some GR to fulfil in less than the expected if you are an experienced hiker. You can find some three European long-distance paths (E-paths) too, but they are usually marked with the GR symbols and in the same pathways.

Usually PR are marked in yellow and red, and for GR are used the same symbols but in white and red. You can find some different colors such in “Rota Vicentina – Fishermen’s Trail” the green and blue ( just because in south of Portugal they need to be different 😊 ). You can check those symbols on the image attached to this post.

To hike in Portugal, you should use the ICNF recommendations as reference. They are the organization who take care of Portuguese Natural Parks. Usually you will be found information about the natural protected areas and the pathways in touch with them.

Portugal offers a good portfolio of routes and year after year the number of certified pathways are increasing, and now, since the hiking is “in vogue”, the advertising and documentation are increasing in the tourism info points. 

Sometimes GR are incomplete, mainly the long-distance paths that cross the country and you will note a lack of information if you search for this kind of route, but I will try help you, posting information on this blog. Now I’m trying to walk all the GR11 by section way and bring to you the GPS / GPX files and my experience.

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