Going Zero Waste - #350WordsWeekly

Hi friends, I’m afraid to change the traditional focus of this blog, but today this isn’t about hiking, today is all about how to be a friend of earth. Once April 22 was the #InternationalEarthDay, and unfortunately, I missed this agenda, in the todays #350WordsWeekly post, I will write a short overview about what are concerning me, the waste, and particularly the plastic waste.

When I’m thinking about keep the earth clean, immediately I reminder the three fundamental principles: reuse, reduce and recycle. I will avoid the politician topic and focus on what I can do to reduce my ecological footprint only.  Recycle is a tricky principle if I forget the first two principles. I was focus on recycling in past and when I was thinking I was making all right, probably I was 50% efficient only or less. Don’t understand me wrongly, I’m very concerned about the right place to place the different trash, but some products are lost in the process, some products are only recycling in part and, on by other hand, this process consumes resources.

Because of this, a new culture is fascinating me: “Going Zero Waste”. Zero Waste will focus on reduce and reduce means less waste and less money spent. This way of thinking will take me to think out of the box or take me to travel into the past and review how we can apply old methods that were replaced by “easy ways” or just consumerism ways of doing the same.

Focused on this, I’m implementing new habits like avoid getting bags to place vegetables and fruit, use a cotton bag to carry the bread or related, avoid processed food usually packed on plastic, etc. But this isn’t all about food, I’m avoid buying some objects I’m not sure I will need related to daily tasks. I’m trying to replace some disposable products I usually use buy reusable materials, as example I’m using a cotton kitchen cloth to reject the absorbent kitchen paper. I’m thinking go dipper and share with you some changes I’m doing in future posts.

How about you? Do you think this is an interesting topic? Are you reducing the products usage from some way? I will appreciate if you can share with me some tricks and tips! I hope you enjoyed this post. In that case, kindly comment, subscribe and share.


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