
Hi All!

My name is Luís Marques and I was born in Braga, Portugal. Younger I started practicing camping activities with my parents and brother to travel around my country and to go inside the nature. With nine years old I become Scout where I learned about nature, camping activities and navigation.

I keep on hiking and camping (not so frequently) habits until today. At 2008 I tried Geocaching for the first time, but I only found my first cache some years later. Now, access a GPS tool is easier and allow me to practice. Todays, I join Geocaching with hiking in the nature searching for a single cache or groups on power trails. You can find my Geocaching profile in the blog sections. 

Since few years, I’m thinking about go on trekking and thru-hike adventures. I’m collecting information about E9 / GR11 European Coastal Path to start doing section hikes and compile the Portuguesa part information, maybe one day I’m able to do this one-time hike. I’m preparing The Way of Saint James / Camino de Santiago, and I wish would be able to do Kungsleden, the King’s Trails at 2021 in Sweden too.


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